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The HHFG channel presents tomatoes 101

What has happened to my tomatoes? Why are they not turning red? My leaves are curling and wilting, and the flowers are just falling off. Welcome to summer in Georgia where heat, humidity, uneven amounts of rain and hornworms can wreak havoc on tomato plants. Tomatoes like 65 to 85 degree nights and days, and an even amount of moisture. These are the optimal tomato growing and ripening needs. While our tomato plants are under cover from the elements, they are still susceptible to the heat, humidity, hornworms, and the rain runoff. A blemished or cracked tomato still tastes good and is ok to eat so don’t throw those beauties away. The best HHFG advice is do not get discouraged, keep at it even when the tomatoes you are getting are disappointing. Help your plant out by cutting leaf stems that are drooping or touching the ground. You can even cut up the leaves to the next set of tomatoes. If you see a hornworm remove it immediately as they can strip a complete tomato plant in a day. Give them a nice long drink of water at least 1-2 times a week. Ultimately, when the weather cools off you will notice your tomato plants perking up, getting flowers and tasty tomatoes again. If you have any questions we can try to answer them, but be patient with your plants, and if you find tomatoes that are “local” and look pristine…. ask questions.
In other news, Goods is hopping this week with the 40% off sale. The Goods doorbell is ringing and shoppers have given the farm girl a break from the heat which is appreciated! The sale will continue through Saturday with the raffle drawing held at close of business.
Farm is stocked and ready for Friday. Are you ready to visit us for some fresh produce and maybe some goodies from the store? If so see you tomorrow. This concludes the HHFG news for Thursday evening.

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